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Killing germs in the Kitchen

Diligent cleaning is required when wanting to have that sparkling effect in the kitchen, especially when combating germs, virus and bacteria. In the kitchen the most common collectors of these germs are countertops, dish towels, rags and sponges, so regular kitchen cleaning practices need to be put in place. These kitchen practices include, disinfecting kitchen surfaces, washing dish towels with detergent, replaces sponges every three weeks and cleaning appliances.   

Germs are microorganisms, which can be found in all parts of the biosphere where there is liquid, more commonly water. Most germs traditionally are exploited to humans through food and beverage preparation, which can be harmful as they grow within organisms and create diseases, that in some cases can be fatal to people.

There are many ways in which you can eliminate these microorganisms, using chemicals or using non abrasive and green products. Chemicals do a great job when killing these harmful germs, but there are other ways of killing germs, just as using heat and hydrogen peroxide.

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