Entries in robots (3)


Puppy Robotic - The Evolution of Floor Cleaning

Puppy RoboticCleaning couldn’t get any cuter; pictures of a new robot floor cleaner has been released, called the Puppy Robotic. This cleaning device comprises of one robot mother dog and four robot puppies that scurry on the floor picking up the rubbish (if it’s small enough), which is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face.

The Puppy Robotic has been designed by Korean designer Hyun-Seok Kim, who has come up with an environmentally friendly, novelty vacuum cleaner that is stylish and modern. The little puppies run on batteries, charging themselves from the mother dog, where they also dispose of the rubbish found on their journey.

Not only do these little puppies clean, but you can also play with them. Toss a tracking device around the room and the puppies attempt to follow it, or attach the device to a house pet and watch the puppies follow behind, whilst cleaning any mess your pet makes.

The assumed time it would take these cute little puppy robots to collect rubbish, and clean the floors is lengthy compared to the likes of a Numatic vacuum cleaner. This could be one reason why there has been no news of this product going into production.

If you would to see more photos of the Puppy Robotic have a look at Yanko Design. 


Cleaning Robots

As technology is evolving it seems our enthusiasm for undertaking ‘everyday jobs’ is diminishing. Companies across the world are now developing robots to help us with our everyday lives, and now you can find robots that will wash your windows, clean carpets and vacuum for you and can even sing and dance!

Ecovacs advertises themselves as an ‘Intelligent cleaning appliance expert’ and is now claiming their Deebot is the first robot vacuum cleaner in the world. The Deebot robot also has the fun function of being able to sing and dance too as well as being an “intelligent mobile air purifier”.

Other cleaning robots that share similar functions include:

•    MamRobot - a carpet computer, furniture and frame cleaner, who can also clean in the corners.
•    Windoro (iwindoro) - a window-cleaning robot.

Is this new technology good? Sure it’s a great novelty to have, especially if it can sing and dance on demand, but as a result it may make us lazier than usual. It is a known fact that cleaning can be a good form of exercise; did you know you can burn an estimated 100 calories per hour by doing the simplest of cleaning jobs?

These robots are fantastic to use when you don’t want to do house cleaning, but what could the use of robots do to your health in the long run?


Why opt for robots?

Would you trust a robot to do cleaning for you?When it comes to cleaning we wish that someone else could do it for us. Well with many brands now establishing themselves as a provider of cleaning robots this wish seems to have come true, but would they do a better job?

These floor machines have had good reviews and Crave did a comparison between the machines, Mint and Scooba and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of acquiring one. One main disadvantage that is addressed is that you can’t be lazy with them, they need to have their tank emptied or it could get messy. Isn’t the whole point of have a machine do it for you means you can be lazy?

Missed a spot?

Having a robot do all your cleaning for you seems like a fantastic idea, it means you can spend more time doing all the other jobs you need to do or watch TV for a little while longer. Never the less, no one knows your home better than you and you know where all the little cracks are where dust loves to accumulate. Does a robot?

Maybe it would be best to do it yourself and get the results you want and to your standard. It may take more time and energy, but at the end of the task at hand you will have a gleaming home to be proud of and feel you have accomplished something no one else can.


Why not try a Numatic Rotary floor machine to polish your floor? You have full control of it and it cuts the job in half the time and effort that is required. However, if you like getting down and dirty the Carefree Mop and Shine floor polish is a great alternative as it is conveniently a floor maintainer as well.