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5 reasons why your room doesn't look as clean as you want it to be!

A dirty microwave can really detract from the cleanliness of your kitchenIf your floor is covered in dust, it's obviously going to detract from the overall cleanliness of your house. Fortunately, your floor is one of the first things you clean, and with a sparkling, disinfected floor you certainly feel more at home. But isn't it annoying when you've just finished cleaning, and look around, and just don't feel your room has that 'just cleaned' look that you were aiming for?

Here are 5 reasons why this may be the case:

  • The room is insufficiently aired: Cleaning and airing go hand in hand. If you're cleaned away your dirt and think your room doesn't seem clean, it may be because you're still smelling the same foul air that's been circulating. This can be a particular problem in the winter when windows remain closed and the heating is always on. When you clean, open windows and doors to encourage maximum air flow.
  • Dust has been moved around, not removed: If you use polish and a dry duster, all you're going to be doing is moving dust and dirt around, not actually removing it from the room. Use a wet duster and ensure you trap the dirt, shaking it out only when it's over a bin or you're outside.
  • You hoover before you dust: If you vacuum the floors and then clean surfaces, dust will fall down onto your newly clean floor and remain there, meaning after you're done the room could be even dirtier than you started with! Always hoover last.
  • You use dirty cloths: Dirty cloths are one of cleaning's worst enemies! It can be tempting to simply shake out and reuse a filthy cloth, but then you aren't really cleaning you're just wiping. Use a fresh cloth at all times (particularly if you've just covered a very dirty area) and then wash them in your washing machine to make them good as new. TIP: Don't put them in with your clothes, as the residue from cleaning products may remain and damage your garments.
  • You habitually miss out certain areas: We all have them - the areas we just don't feel like cleaning. It may be that the microwave has so many months of encrusted gunge that you just pretend it's not there instead of dealing with it directly. Problems like these can severely limit the room's ability to look good.

Read on for the top five problem items that prevent a room from looking its best.

  • Washing Machine: If you have a white washing machine, this is particularly true. Washing machines attract dirt like there's no tomorrow. Over years of use grime can get ingrained and remove the white shine that your machine had when it was new. Scrub it down with a good quality bactericidal cleaner (you'll kill all germs too!) and watch as your kitchen looks transformed.
  • Microwave: Exploding custards, overflowing curry - your microwave can soon look a bit worse for wear. Scrub it out and clean the outside to return it to original pristine condition. Your food will look better when it comes out too! And here's a tip to ensure your microwave spells nice: zap a bowl of warm water filled with lemon slices for a couple of minutes.
  • Oven: Everyone knows ovens get grimy, and that they are one of the hardest things to clean. Thankfully we've put together a comprehensive oven cleaning guide to remove baked on food, get rid of germs and ensure your oven is working and looking its best.
  • Windows and door frames: These are often neglected because they aren't focal points of the room, but like washing machines they quickly show up neglect, particularly those made of white plastic. The trick is to clean them regularly, so you can stop mould and ingrained dirt setting in and proving stubborn to remove.
  • Books and bookcases: When cleaning bookcases many of us just give the tiny bit of shelf that doesn't have books on a quick once over, but this is not cleaning it! Book jackets pick up a great deal of dust over time, so make sure you remove each one, wipe it down and disinfect the book case to ensure all traces of germs and grime are removed.

We hope these tips help you get the most out of your cleaning. If you've got any advice to add, please let us know in the comments below. If you need any commercial advice on which products suit your cleaning tasks the best, give us a call on 0845 680 1955 for a free consultation.

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Reader Comments (1)

Has anyone got any ideas on how to clean greasy metalic extractor fans????

November 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlee

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