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Salmonella poisoning - 5 tips to avoid catching it!

Eggs can harbour the salmonella bacterium, as can raw poultryEveryone knows about the threat posed by salmonella. It's a serious foodborne illness that causes horrible symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation, headaches, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting and fever. In rare cases it can also be fatal.

The bacterium that causes salmonella is present in many different commonly-prepared foods such as raw poultry and raw eggs. It's very important to follow simple hygiene guidelines to prevent you or your family from becoming infected. Here are the top 5 most important tips to avoid coming into contact with salmonella.

  • Don't rinse chicken: This may seem logical, but the water splash can spread salmonella far and wide to parts of your kitchen that you may forget to clean. If you absolutely must rinse it, put it in the bottom of your sink, run the tap SLOWLY over it so it doesn't splash, then clean the sink thoroughly.
  • Separate your chopping boards: Use a separate chopping board for meat and vegetables so you avoid cross-contaminating your produce. Also, buy flat chopping boards that do not have grooves or raised patterns: these can be breeding grounds for salmonella.
  • Ensure poulty is throoughly cooked before serving: Pierce your chicken with a fork. If the juices run clear then it should be ok to eat. Never undercook chicken; a little while longer will reduce your risk of infection.
  • Clean with a bacteridical cleaner: Many ordinary household products are simply ill-equipped to deal with the salmonella bacterium. Use commercial bactericidal products to ensure the germs don't simply get wiped around but properly killed.
  • Wash your hands regularly: Regularly washing your hands with soap and water helps prevent infections being spread. This is particularly important when handling raw chicken: before you go on to handle other foods give your hands a good scrub.

Follow these tips for a safe, enjoyable experience cooking food for your family. For more advice on the best products available to properly disinfect your kitchen surfaces, give Click Cleaning a call on 0845 680 1955.

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